Wednesday, May 19, 2010

blog numero 3- Conflict

The main character Anise has over passed alot of problem throughout the novel. In the last section of the novel she was finally given a pass to get released for one weekend. It was her birthday weekend. She was with her parents at dinner and also her boyfriend Boyd. All of a sudden her brother Marcel came in high as a kite and also drunk asking for money from his parents. I find that this has been one of the biggest problems. Anise has finally had a chance to be free from the hospital for a weekend and her brother comes home and ruins everything for her. She then wrote in her journal deciding whether or not to leave and go back to the hospital or to start cutting again because she couldn't handle all the stress.

Another time was her second release from the hospital from the weekend. She had to attend a funeral in Calgary. The girl that had died was also anorexic. She died from the same illness that Anise now has. It was really hard for Anise to think about her life and having a positive attitude. She kept writing her journal that she deserved to die because Ivana had passed away too. In my opinion that was the hardest decision Anise had throughout the whole novel. She was deciding whether or not to take her own life just because someone else she knew had died from the same illness.

would think about taking your own life just because someone close to you died from the same thing you have? or would you try your best to get better and get some help and over come this illness?


  1. I think i would try and get better and over come my illness just so i could live my life. Would never give up.

  2. I would not take my life just because one of my close friends did. I would feel very disappointed in myself to know that i would do something like that. I would try my hardest to get over the illness and to live the best life i can, not only for myself but for my friend who passed away.

  3. No i would not think about taking my own life just because another girl that has the same illness passes away. If anything it would scare me and be my main reason for getting better. I would keep fighting so that i can live and be happy again.

  4. I think that seeing someone close to me die from the same sickness would wake me up and make me try to get better and get as much help as I could.

  5. I would definatly try my best to overcome the illness. If someone close to me died of the same thing that would make to try even harder and not just give up on my life.

  6. If someone close died suffering from the same thing I was suffering with, I would fight to stay alive. By staying alive I would give hope to those around me, and build strength for others going through the same thing.

  7. I dont think that I would take my own life just because someone close to me died from the same thing I have because I'd prove to myself and my love ones that you can fight to stay alive. I would try my best to get better, get some help, and over come this illness because its my life and I don't want to die at a young age. There is still so much more for me to do in my life time. I still have a long life to live.
